Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bachelorette Party- Girls Night Out.

I just received an email about my soon to be sister in laws bachelorette party. I can't believe that my brother and sister are getting married 6 months apart but I guess I can believe that since they were only born 11 months apart. As you can imagine its been wedding madness in my life which hasn't been as dreadful as you may imagine because I actually enjoy the chaos, the research, the comparisons, the crafting etc.

I have bachelorette party on the brain and I promised you that I would write about my Virginia weekend of festivities so I will try my best to remember. I have to admit my sisters bachelorette party was pretty fun but I was nervous because about a month prior her fiance said to me, "I'm putting a bug in your ear that Ashley is concerned no ones doing her a party". Crap, I thought to myself I haven't even got to relax from the bridal shower and now another party, not to mention I still am unemployed so the thought of spending money and knowing I have to ask my parents who already have shelled out money made me cringe a little. Just a little. Thanks m&d!

So here's the deal. My sister and I have become quite fond of each other since the age of 15 okay more like 19 but anyways I would like to think of her as one of my best friends. We are alike, similar nose shape, similar 'v' lip but as far as personalities we are but we aren't. I was thinking how am I going to throw a party that doesn't make her want to kill me? I already knew that strippers, penis decor (From here on out I will only refer to penis as pene, it's less awkward I think), and anything else raunchy would be out of the question. So how do you throw a bachelorette party for a girl who's not so fond of blushing?

Simple. I just asked her plain and simple what she wanted because I knew what she didn't want. Then I planned from there. That's my biggest advice ask the bride simple as that. She isn't going to be offended she will probably be thankful.

I knew Ashley didn't want it to be a hs reunion so we took it an hour and half down south, ohhhhh. (felt like it needed to be there from that one song) Roanoke of course. Perhaps I am a bit biased but I think that Roanoke is an excellent place to have a bachelorette party. It has enough city without making you feel like a total tourist.

So lets see Friday I was in full shopping mode. I hit up Michael's, Spencer's, Captain Party and Fantasy's. At Michael's I got some super cute bridal party buttons. I have found that everything comes in sixes when you're buying this type of stuff so the fact that I was planning on eight threw a bit of a wrench. I also got "Girls Night Out" koozies for a buck and some glow sticks to make us look ridiculous. Michael's or AC Moore is a great place to go especially for a tame bride. The second shop I hit up was Spencer's in the mall. There I scooped up a cute tiara, some beads, and more buttons. I didn't want the girls that weren't part of the bridal party to be left out so I found these cute buttons that said TEAM BRIDE. I stopped off at Captain Party and found a $2 sash. I didn't get a $18 cloth one because I knew it would come off, be torn or get ruined. Promo: Capt. Party is the best party supply store in Roanoke. Next I stopped off at Fantasy's it's a novelty shop which is the most polite way to say sex store. I went there and the good news is that the Bachelorette Party stuff is to the left as soon as you walk in so the store really saves any more embarrassment than necessary. There I shamelessly bought a pene mold cake- the only pene at the party haha.

The morning of the party I stopped in again at Fantasy's to buy a smaller pene mold because I got the heads up that it was another girls birthday. The lady asked if I'd been in before and I casually replied, "Oh yeah yesterday" she said "well then", I paused and thought I should reevaluate my life when I get outside. :) I grabbed the small penes and headed out. Checked into the hotel- it wasn't the Ritz or even a Holiday Inn but it was $68 a night and was inexpensive for everyone because let's face it all we were going to do there is sleep.

The party officially started. My sister was clear that she wanted to play the panty personality game- google it. We all bought panties to fit our personalities in her size and she guessed who each one was from. My sister got 7/7. She plays to win. We had dinner reservations at 7:30pm at Corned Beef & Co. Delicious. The thing about planning dinner is that you're done and the party hasn't started downtown yet. An 8 or even 8:30 reservation for a b-party might be appropriate but oh well no big deal we slid into a side bar Cornerstone to shield ourselves away from the rain. Once the rain let up we went to my favorite place Metro! and then ended the night at another recommended spot 202 Market. Good times. The night wrapped up around 2am. Ashley's tiara was stolen, another bridesmaid got a number and we came back to chick-fil-a nuggets and pene cake. A good night indeed.

I should probably have a disclaimer: If this sounds like MD's 21st or Abs B-Party well its because I love Roanoke that much and planned (and co-planned) them all but neither were alike but all loads of funnnnnnn!! So if you're debating on a place for a bachelorette party I would say Roanoke is a good choice that's affordable and fun. I am excited that the festivities for the wedding are coming to an end and the wedding is so close!! I am probably going to blog about more wedding stuff for a bit. I love weddings.

Thanks for reading :)

(the picture is a scrapbook of the leftovers of the Bachelorette Party! I am scraping and stupid Ashley already knows, so there's a page.)

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