Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's me again!

Let’s play a game. Who can spot the lie in my last blog? I’ll give you a hint…it’s the second sentence. “I refuse to go through one month without blogging, I can't.” Really? That’s interesting because it seems likes not only can I go one month I can go four! I started the New Year with a pretty good blog that made it seem like 2011 was the year for all things positive and great! And then months go by and nothing…

I know my 14 followers are probably two seconds from unfollowing me but don’t! I’m back! I’m not going to promise for how long or how consistent but I’m back.

I wish I could say I have great and exciting news to share and pictures to post from the last four months but truthfully I’ve been not that busy…I’ve been normal. Normal to boring. Since January 18th I’ve been working, coming home, watching television, going to bed and doing it all over again. (Give or take a few fun weekends.) So let’s catch up shall we?

I’ve had to change my ‘about me’ because I’m no longer 23 – in my blogging hiatus I’ve had a birthday. I’m 24. It’s fairly new to me … eight days but I do know it feels like 23. I had a fabulous ‘blog worthy’ birthday that I will blog about soon. (…Or later let’s take what I say with a *grain of salt. Did anyone else think it was great assault – ever?)

 Let’s see…

My brother got married! I helped put together a pretty great rehearsal dinner that I’ll post about soon*

My best friend Megan got engaged! (Yes! I’m a bridesmaid…well Maid of Honor J )  

My mom had a birthday! Happy Birthday Fancy Nancy!

I moved into my new apartment! Purchased a couch and decorating my tiny space into an Amanda haven. (I’ll post pictures!*)

MaDee’s one year came. 2.16.2010 – I managed to go to work and break down once. I should’ve blogged!

My brother-in-law celebrated a birthday too!

My parents celebrated 30 years together April 25th! Happy Anniversary!

I bought a new camera so I can spice this blog up!

Relay for Life

My birthday!

Tex got stitches twice L

Some wedding stuff

Started Zumba again!

Work, shopping, traveling to South Carolina… (The usual)

That’s all I can think of to highlight at the moment. I probably forgot something that’s a milestone. (Hopefully not!)

I’m excited to get back to blogging. I’ll try to be more consistent and entertaining from here on out.

I hope everyone has had a great four months! I’m looking forward to Memorial Day weekend so I can go home to SC and relax some more J

Have a great Sunday! I can’t wait for the season finale of The Apprentice tonight! (and those Bravo shows!)

