Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Crazies!

I’m exhausted and watching SNL…you could’ve guessed! Not only is it 1 a.m. but today I had to Christmas shop. I usually make lists and have Christmas planned out but not this year. With everything moving so fast I really didn’t have time. Did I mention I had a job offer and moved all within four days a week ago?! I’m not complaining! I’m really happy to be in the city I love and working for a non-profit again. Woo! I survived my first week of work and the holiday party Friday. My white elephant gift…a board game of course! Buzzword! It didn’t get passed around but nothing really did so I can’t judge if it was successful or not. Do you want to know what I got? A lamp for my new desk! I was pretty content with it. Want to know what else was there for ideas? Sure…

Let me see if I can remember…

A Spongebob chia pet (did you know there’s salvia in them? Hello, Miley!)
A lamp (I won it!)
A fleece throw (I had it first and it was stolen)
Set of wine glasses
Candles, candles and more candles (hot item!)
Mickey Mouse (hot item!)
Singing “Shout” Dog and Bubblecake (delicious) coupons (hot item!)
Leopard better than a snuggie but similar to one
Christmas blanket
Laptop case (hot item!)  
Decorative tea light Santa’s
Starbucks coffee and thermos (hot item!)
Buzzword (I brought it!)
Photo album

That’s all I can remember…pretty good memory though.

I think I’ve said it before I love gifts no matter if they’re for me or not. That probably explains why I can remember the elephant gifts so well. I usually love shopping for gifts but today it was more of a get in and get out! What was I thinking shopping the weekend before Christmas- the last weekend at that! Crazy-town USA! I tried to map it out this morning I had every family member to complete and wanted to make sure I could avoid the dreaded Valley View Mall unfortunately I needed to go to Macy’s so that was unavoidable.

First I stopped by my favorite store Buy the Season and even it was packed! Not a good sign and the two items I was looking for were gone. Sad story I made one purchase and headed down Electric Road thinking I would stop at Barnes and Noble but realized I was heading to VVM anyways so I kept going. I wasn’t in a hurry but the bumper to bumper traffic had me feeling like I was. I was too impatient to fuel up on Wendy’s due to the 5 cars ahead I skipped it and hurried to 581 instead! I arrived at my destinations VVM. Target, Macy’s, Pet Smart and an undisclosed place that if I named would give away a gift and I was finished.
You know what I hate? How expensive it is to wrap the already pricey gift. Wrapping paper, tape, tissues, boxes, ribbons, tags!

The ‘kids’ in our family were suppose to have a budget but I’ve never been one to follow rules or unfortunately a budget. Budgets are like a turtleneck –practical and constricting – LOL! Was that stupid or clever? I respected the budget by what I like to call the $10 over or $5 under rule- that’s what I like to call fuzzy numbers. I must be tired – LOL!

Okay so seriously shopping was out of control and I was a speed shopper today. Parking far away and walking fast. I mean what is it with people- a little snow and extra traffic and we drive like were in drivers ed! I kept trying to talk to myself, chanting “Christmas season, Christmas cheer!” It worked some until I went out the wrong door at Macy’s and lost my car for a brief panicky moment. Thank goodness for my easily identifiable Jeep! Oh and I only went into Macy’s not the rest of the mall I don’t think I could’ve done it otherwise. I finished my shopping at Target and I must give them credit for always having the lines open- thank you holiday help! My last stop was at Pet Smart.

I don’t think I’m the only one doing a little holiday shopping for their puppy wuppy! It’s my first Christmas with Tex and he’s not here with me yet and I miss him so much. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have children because just thinking about him my eyes fill up with “I miss you” tears. Anyways this time last year Tex was spending his first couple of weeks at the SPCA and I’m so happy he has a home this Christmas which is why I got him a few treats. I would like to add that Pet Smart is having a 50% off Pet Holiday Toy sale and it’s really good! You know the beloved Loofa/Bobo dogs? The big ones are $3.99 (from $7.99) - the holiday ones are already cheaper but until the 23rd they’re 50% off! Amazing! December 17-23

I got Texi the Santa

I arrived back at the apartment and I was exhausted but at the same time I couldn’t wait to wrap. I really love wrapping presents and obviously refuse to have anyone else do it for me. (See previous blog!) I wrapped all the gifts but I’m not finished completely because I have some gifts lingering in South Carolina but I think I’m finished shopping! Yay! Tomorrow I’m not going out in this mess…I’m going to take the day and relax – I dvr’d Toy Story and Grandma’s Boy today so maybe that’s what I’ll do tomorrow.

To everyone that is still shopping with the other Christmas crazies – good luck!

Thanks for reading about my adventures!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shopping for the Near Impossible- $25 Gift Guide

Christmas is right around the corner and if you’re like me you haven’t started shopping and/or are broke. I’m both! Although I think it’s time to share with my ‘social networking family’ that I am a working girl now. Today would have been my 5th day of work if it weren't for the snow! Tomorrow (weather permitting) is our work holiday party and there is of course a gift exchange- white elephant or whatever you might call it.

Shopping for any office gift exchange can be challenging. Budget following, gender neutral, office appropriate etc. I think my gift is all of the above! I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow and what I purchased!

Today I wanted to share some tips/ideas for shopping for an office gift or maybe that certain person that is hard to shop for…maybe it’s your cousin that’s approaching adulthood or in their teens, a friend that you haven’t been keeping up with as well as you should, an in-law of any sorts, etc. Really just anyone that is hard to shop for or you really don’t know what to get them. When in doubt go for something a little impersonal with a hint of personal. Here are a few budget friendly ideas (under $25)

1.Travel mug with a Starbucks (or any coffee place) gift card inside. Practical and delicious!
Takeaway Porcelain Mug
Got a coffee loving sports buff? Check out the travel mugs at Walmart and Target - college and professional league logo cups!

2. Board Games
When in doubt a board game is sure to be a hit. Did you know Yahtzee is only $5? Most board games are less than $30 which I know isn't under $25 but pretty close! Plus with all the recreated versions of the throw backs you can't go wrong. Happy playing!

Scott and his fiancĂ©e came for Thanksgiving and wanted to contribute but being 5 hours away it's seemed impossible she brought Mad Gab instead = success
Mad Gab

3. Head phones/ear buds and an I tunes Gift card

Skull Candy Ear buds
4. DVD - A new release G, PG, PG-13. I almost bought Toy Story 3 for my party but didn't! I would stay a way from R movies in less you're buying directly for a person.

5. Gift cards- I tend to shy a way from giving a gift card but I must admit I love to receive them! I'm weird about things like that just like I don't like gift bags haha.

Restaurants (maybe a place you see them going to lunch at often) Bookstores, Target, Best Buy

6. Cocktail theme minus the alcohol! 
Wine glasses, coasters, napkins

Stemless wine glasses
$2 each
Pier 1 Imports

Napkins and Coasters
Pier 1 Imports

7. Fun Kitchen Utensils 
Chocolate Paper (an amazing store in Roanoke also online)

Hot Head: Pac-Man
Pac-Man Hot Mitt
Chocolate Paper

Chocolate Paper is another favorite store in Roanoke (besides Buy The Season) I'm so happy to be back! I purchased an amazing gift for my sister-in-law (soon-to-be) there yesterday! I'll tell post Christmas!

8. Specialty Food/Chocolate 

9. Anything As Seen On TV- you know you've always wanted to see what it's about you've just been to practical to purchase it!
Think beyond the Snuggie and most items sold at Bed Bath and Beyond work! 

I've tried the following As Seen On TV: Sham Wow (boo) Strap Perfect (yay!) Bump It (Eh) Snuggie (Eh) 

For an office gift I'd say the more ridiculous the better!

10. Cozy Day In
Magazine, Coffee cups, hot chocolate 

Hope this helped with the impossible gift match or office exchange! Oh and many make awesome host/hostess gifts. 

 Happy shopping and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I sit here distracted by SNL and Facebook. I notice my feed (on Facebook) filled with love notes for Daniel. It's been two years since we lost this beautiful soul. December 4, 2008.

As I read the comments on his page tears rolled down my face and still do because as I posted a couple of blogs ago I can't help but feel the pain that they do. I was more of an acquaintance to Dan though he treated everyone like a best friend. What I remember about him the most is his kindness, smile, crazy good soccer throw in's and his striking good looks!

I remember the text message, the disbelief, the utter shock and then a heart wrenching pain for his parents, family and friends.

The last time I saw Dan was at Food Lion (June 2008) buying beer for I can only assume his friends younger siblings high school graduation party. I'm sure that night was another memory made and now cherished.

I think it's fair to say that the pain his family and friends feel is similar to the pain I feel just for two different people. Two completely different deaths, two completely different people but both gone too soon. As I posted in my older blog "Dealing with Death" it's sometimes therapeutic to see others feeling the same way that you do. I don't mean it makes it easier to see other people in pain but it does make me feel more normal or maybe united. It's refreshing to know that after two years he's not forgotten, still very alive in all of our memories and hearts.

I love that many of his friends posted about the snow today being from him. I love seeing our loved ones through nature there's something so peaceful about it. Snow, wind in the face, a pink sunset, fluffy clouds, leaves, flowers, feathers the list could go makes you feel at peace, warm, surrounded. One wall post that hit me was "I will never not miss you."

"I will never not miss you." Is there any better way to put it? I can't think of anything better. Well said. When you have such love for someone, created years of memories with someone how could you forget them? You won't. There won't be a day that you don't miss that person. There will be days that are easier to manage but never will you forget. You will never forget. We will never forget you Daniel.

I love Daniel's website. His family and friends have done a great job creating this image of Daniel if you never had the pleasure of meeting him and they also have some shared stories.
Check it out.

I can only hope that I can help do the same for MaDee.

I didn't plan on blogging today. The minute I saw the words on his page I pulled up my blog and my fingers moved...I think there the best blogs, from the heart.

I guess now that my fingers aren't moving a mile a minute that I can reflect on why I felt it. I think one of my best qualities is empathy and MaDee's death can cause me to do two things: feel sorry for myself or feel sorry for others. I do both, I think. The pain from a death is like a cut. It starts to heal and something like today burst the scab open again, gross I know. I guess my 'wound' is still fresh from my loss (our loss) but sometimes I feel like maybe I'm the only one stuck in PARK in my life and everyone else in DRIVE. (cheesy? maybe.) Then I'm reminded like today- "I will never not miss you." A day I can get by without crying is a good day to me. But maybe it's not. Maybe it's another day that I'm stuffing my emotions so I can try to be strong. There are somethings I can't do yet and I often wonder what the hell is wrong with me? Two things particular:  I haven't had the courage to go 'see' MaDee and the second is going around MaDee's sister is still incredibly hard for me because she resembles and embodies (almost) everything about MaDee.

Like I said before there is no right or wrong way to deal with death (within reason) I just wish there was some way easier. Life isn't easy or fair....cliche' cliche' cliche'....enter it here.

I know everyone has lost someone and that depending on how close you are to that person is going to really determine the amount of pain one will feel. It only makes sense, right?

That's why I never want anyone to feel like I think MaDee's death is the only one that matters, that MaDee's cancer is the only one that matters...It's the death and cancer that have affected my life the most....recently. I can't say most ever but as of now yes-most. And I think my mom understands that- that I'm thankful everyday that I have her here and I'm thankful that she is a cancer survivor...without having witnessed this even at a young age I don't know if I would have been as brave and filled with hope during MaDee's battle. Filled with hope until the very last hours of her life... But that's all for another time or blog, or not. I share a lot about my personal life but somethings are better left unsaid. (or kept in my heart)

Obviously I'm on a tangent. It's almost 2:00 a.m.- goodness!

That said good night!

My heart goes out to anyone that has ever lost somebody which is everyone.
My heart goes out to everyone <3