Saturday, July 23, 2011

Craft'n Happiness!

Happy weekend! I think a couple of people were concerned over my last blog because they maybe didn’t know I felt that way. I feel homesick less times than I feel happy. If we had to percentage it out – you probably wouldn’t feel as concerned. At the time of the blog I was crawling out of a funk and having a few AHA moments.

This week I followed my own advice and did stuff! I met my grandparents for dinner, had lunch with coworkers (twice!), laid by the pool, went shopping, continued crafting, and after contemplating on going home this weekend…I decided to stay in town. Maybe I was trying to continue to “sit in” my feelings or maybe because I don’t want to spend the gas money. And guess what?! My momma is coming to visit me soon so life is good.

This week I finished the two items that I posted on my last blog for the auction. And I bought another frame to start because I’m feeling inspired. Two years ago, my frames went for $80/piece but they were much larger I can only hope my frames are as popular and sought after as two years ago. I hope! I’ll let you know and of course, I’ll post sneak previews of them on here today. If I keep the framing up I might start a ‘store’ on etsy. I keep thinking of other things I can do. I also would have to think of what I’d want to make my label/trademark. In the past it’s been ‘Made with Love by Amanda’ but I’m thinking since I do this for my own benefit of happiness I like the idea of something like ‘Craft’N Happiness’. We’ll see…

I never realized how great it feels to make time for the things you love (and of course the ones you love) but it does! I’ve been coming home from work, going to the pool, and then sprawling out on the floor while I watch some (trashy) show on television and craft. (And of course, spending time with my pup, Tex) It’s been good.

While working on the frame I came across a couple of ideas to blog about from magazines so I’m pretty excited about that. Some more fun Amanda and less ramotional me.

So let’s look at some pictures from my week shall we?!

Remember this was the start of my project earlier this week?

This is the final result! FRIENDS - a perfect frame for a dorm, apt., house, office etc! to display you and your beautiful friends. Love? Plan on bidding on it at the auction :)

Remember my not your ordinary but extraordinary jewelry display?! I've put together one for the auction though you must note it might not be as attractive as mine because it's not filled with jewelry yet.
This could be yours at the auction! Vintage berry box and bowl - hand made touches on the mason jar and peg board. Hand made peacock clip and vintage-y necklace and bracelet coming soon! Love? Be at the auction :)
 Note: I love peonies. They're beautiful. I really wanted a cute profile picture - so I tried to make Tex take a photo shoot with me this was one of the But still pretty cute.

And for putting up with me I got Tex a new toy/bone - at first I thought I would have to add it to the other toys he doesn't like and/or is afraid of it but as I type he's biting the tasty middle so maybe he likes it!
And of course while I was out I had to pick up something for myself :) I'm not sure if they're still in style but I like them- work appropriate/and going out worthy=win! I went to TJ Maxx..that's dangerous. Don't mind the fancy picture..I was only hanging out in a pair of cut off glamorous.

So there you have it! A happy little week for me! I can't wait to start doing some more bloggin' and craftin'!

I'll leave you with a quote that hit me in the face!

"We all have a hungry heart, and one of the things we hunger for is happiness."

Love you and here's to another great week ahead...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie-

    Grams gave me your blog address so I was able to come "visit" your site. I love your craftiness! We have a friend who makes jewelry and sells it on her Etsy shop. She has been so successful with it she quit her "regular" job and now makes and sells jewelry full-time!

    We would love for you to come to Raleigh sometime, maybe for a weekend, and visit us. Raleigh is a lot of fun and you and I could have some fun going to some outlets in nearby towns or going to some of the malls around here. I also want to get into some crafting and have some ideas so maybe you could help me with that as well!

    It goes without saying that Henry would have a lot of fun telling/showing you everything he thinks he knows :-0 ! I also have *tons* of stuff I want to scrapbook about him, and sure could use your help with that. Will you scrapbook for me on commission :-) ?

    Henry and I may come up to Roanoke one weekend in August or September, get a room at the Hotel Roanoke, and just hang out for the weekend (sort of a mommy/son weekend). I'd like to take Henry to the Mill Mountain Zoo and to the train museum. We've done that a couple of times and had a bunch of fun. If we come up, I will let you know and maybe you could come eat with us or hang out if you are interested.

    Please email me sometime and let's plan on you coming down and staying with us for a weekend. I think we'd have a lot of fun, plus you can get to know Raleigh a little bit. It's a great city and there is so much going on all of the time.

    I go back to work mid-August and I'm really doing great! I'd love to see you soon.

    Lots and lots of love-
    Aunt Beth
