Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Love You Present

What's an I love you present? An I love you present is just that a present, A present that is given for no reason at all but because you love that person. It's not a holiday, an anniversary, birthday, guilt gift or anything similar it's an I love you gift. "I thought of you when I saw this and I wanted to buy it for you." It's an I couldn't wait until Christmas I'm still getting you a Christmas gift- gift. It's usually unwrapped and the giver expects nothing in return because it's a selfless just because I LOVE YOU PRESENT!

Where did I first hear about this "I love you present"?
Abby and MaDee. On countless shopping adventures the other would pick up an I love you present. But with Abby and MaDee it was a little different-sometimes it was just flipping through a J. Crew catalog and saying "I want this mom or Jeff" "Okay I'll remember that for your birthday" "Eh, I was thinking more of a sooner than later gift like an I love you present." Priceless.

I love I love you presents. It reminds me of the care packages that my friend Terry (and former teacher!) would send me at college or like today when I came home to my mom who stopped by ULTA (the best beauty warehouse/store ever!) and bought me an eyeliner. I love you presents are the best to get because you know that person doesn't feel obligated to get you a gift they did because they love you. Who doesn't love an I love you present?!

Maybe I'm over doing it but I am that girl that is pumped about gifts. Of course I love getting gifts but I love watching people open gifts. I like to sit and watch people open presents whether it's a shower or not. When I house sat for Ashley and Steven during their honeymoon I was surrounded by gifts and could barely contain myself. As soon as they hit the door they had lost their luggage and arrived late. I was ecstatic when we still sat on the floor at 2am opening presents! Presents are my favorite!

I had to share my latest I love you present that I got for my sister. (well, mom paid but it's the thought that counts right?!) I think so many of you married women can relate! Check it out.

How cute is this? My sisters husband is a sports fanatic and she is such a trooper. She sports her Georgia Bulldog Jersey, sits in on flag football games and tags along at UVA games. She'll admit it though, she kind of loves it. We got her fun koozie at a boutique in Summerville called Passing Fancy for an overpriced but how could you pass $8.95 but on the website that I took the photo from has other colors for $5.00 but with shipping and handling I suspect I'll be even. I wish I was married so I could carry this precious koozie to games or gathered around the TV all Saturday! So cute!

Stolen from Heather L's facebook.

Here's the happy couple tailgating! This was the day she actually received her I love you present- sadly UVA lost this day.

Yay for I love you presents! I hope you enjoyed and remember everyday is the perfect day for an I LOVE YOU PRESENT!

Thanks for reading-


1 comment:

  1. I love the MaDee story! You always have great stories to tell about well as you should. You've been her best friend for ages. :)

    And, as far as the picture of your sister on the day that UVA lost--- seriously? Is there ever a day that UVA has won?

