Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Remembering MaDee!

As mentioned in my about me section MNB is a dear dear friend of mine. Friends for nearly 18 years not just friends- best friends like sisters. Today makes it four months since she passed away and I must say the pain is easier to manage as in have a "normal life" talking about her without bawling my eyes out but still my eyes fill with tears and it takes all the strength I have to hold it back but I go on.

MaDee was the type that would light up a room because she was in it. She had this curly mop head, bright white teeth and a wardrobe that would be envied by any girl. Except I tried to get her not to pop her collar but she insisted, her Nanny would iron press those things up so it would be impossible to fold them down even when I tried.

Summer was MaDee's season. She had a killer dark tan that would make her enthnicity unidentifiable. Her toes would be some crazy poppin' pink, one toe ring on each foot, and her rainbows on. I miss the beach; Emerald Isle. The beach house, the rentals we would make to see what the crew boys looked like that year, teaching women twice our age to play kings, going to some expensive board shop and buying whatever boy we were dating that year a fancy smancy pair of swim trunks, the air conditioning on full blast snuggling up watching a movie. This is what I miss.

I miss her. I miss the girl that knew everything about me but loved me anyway, the girl who didn't care what anyone thought of her, the girl that made my life beautiful because she was in it. Here's to you MaDee.

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