Saturday, December 8, 2012

Recycling Meets Rudolph

Have you ever thought, hey I really want a deer head on my wall? No? Me neither, but when I ran into this adorable Christmas project I couldn't resist. I had been admiring it on the Good Housekeeping website and Pinterest for some time now and tonight was the night that the reindeer was to be made!

Picture by Michael Partenio/Good Housekeeping

This little deer is considered a Scandinavian Christmas Decoration. When I was looking up decorations for the office the article leading up to this suggested to use other holiday traditions and decor. Which seems like a neat way to celebrate since in office settings we sometimes have to focus on 'holiday' rather than Christmas. With that said, I still Americanized it and Christmas'd it up.  

A little printing tip: Change printer setting to 11 x 17  and print on tabloid size paper. I also should warn you that the reindeer is way tinier than the picture looks. 

So here's mine! 

I can't believe it turned out so well. I free cut the scores because I thought that would be easier than marking before assembling. I also did the brace part c out of order too. I'm excellent at following instructions! ha.

Then came decorating! I used red tissue paper for the nose and sharpie for the eyes. Googly eyes would be precious too! Then to really American Christmas it up I added bulbs to the antlers. I would've put real bulbs but I didn't have any extras and I feared it would be too top heavy. Instead I cut these out from wrapping paper. 

Then I wrapped some garland around and done! I think you can also place him inside of a pre-made wreath. I actually adore him and think he could be out year-round minus garland and bulbs. I've seen those inflatable deer heads for $20-30 in stores but these was essentially free. 

YAY! and because it's fairly small I put it on a small section on my wall or else it could be overwhelming. I also was thinking about making 3 and putting them on the wall v-shaped. I think that would be cute! Bonus the shadow it creates on the wall is also spectacular. 

I have also made an adorable sign/garland that says Merry, Merry! Pinterest inspired and again, once I find my camera cord i'll take a picture but since it's too big to cover with my phone I can't. I hate losing things!

Are you in the Christmas spirit yet? 

I am! Here's a sneak peek of my garland on the banister. I love a banister wrapped in garland. 

I'll take some up close pics of the stockings too later! 

Happy Recycling Meets Rudolph :) 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thankful Hit List

Don't say I didn't tell you so. Two weeks of thankfulness not bad. Ha! I would say I'd make up for day 8 - day 30, but I just don't think I have it in me. Instead let me highlight a few things and since Thanksgiving wasn't too long ago, I think I'll continue with a few of my favorite things (thankful things)! How about a quick hit list. 

Thankful Hit List 

My crazy, loving family ( & that precious baby niece!) 


Friendship - new and old! 

TEX - my snuggle buddy pup

Work & work friends!

Small towns - and hometowns

Talents - especially crafting abilities 

Grilled Chicken sandwiches (and fried let's be honest)

Pretty things - well that's pretty vague. 

Answered prayers and unanswered prayers 

Good television (and trashy entertainment) 



My dup (which is short for duplex) such a cozy place

Second chances

Inspirational quotes 

and Christmas! 

That's probably a good enough hit list to make up for my Thankful Blog 1 & 2. I'm so excited for Christmas and once I find my camera cord I will add some pictures of my decorations and things. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 2 - I'm thankful for...

Day 4: 11.4.12

Day 4 I'm thankful for time change and hot chocolate! 

Today is another not so serious 'thankful' post considering I laid on the couch all day and watched my DVR. And I wouldn't dare say I'm thankful for Real Housewives (guilty?!) but I am thankful for entertainment (and that cutie Andy Cohan)! I love 'falling back' it's my favorite of the two! Just going to sleep and knowing that you're granted an additional hour is amazing. So I'm thankful for time change!

I'm also thankful for hot chocolate! I say I'm not a fan of cold but I think it's a lie because I love - scarfs, gloves, boots, hot chocolate and snuggling! I like being cozy and something about hot chocolate surrounds me with warmth. I think it's a little nostalgic. I remember when we were little my brother and sister and I would fight over our hot chocolate mugs - we had the ones that changed into things when they were cold or hot (think mountains on the Coors bottles). For some reason I think they were from Denny's! I love those things and I'm not a coffee drinker so hot chocolate gives me a chance to still collect cute mugs like this one...

"Future Trophy Wife"
hey, big aspirations! I know! 

This is obviously a joke but it's a huge mug and I love it! I'm too much of a feminist to have such goals.But if by trophy you mean pretty then sign me up! I also have an Elf on the Shelf cup because I love him so much but I think it'd be creepy to own the elf without a child, no? Okay, so I'm off topic a bit and rambling about the 4 coffee cups I own. 

Maybe tomorrow I'll get back to serious but it's Monday so who knows... Night y'all. 

Day 5: 11.5.12

Day 5 I'm thankful for phone calls with my sister

When my phone rings and it's my sister it's always a good time! I can't disclose our conversation in fear of looking like complete idiots but I will say that when we're together it's tricky. And by tricky I mean we lack common sense together, though we do dominate together in board games but not in life. Ha!

We have silly conversations and serious conversations and lately are conversations include a noisy babe. Just kidding - my niece is a doll! My niece!! Remember a few blogs back my sister being preggo? Well, that baby is out and beautiful! If I can get permission i'll post a picture of her. Baby Avery will definitely be included in this month's thankfulness blog!

So it's not a long and detailed message but today I'm thankful for phone calls with my sister! I suspected that in the work week these blogs would shorten up a bit! No big deal.

New Real Housewives of BH tonight! Wooooo!

Day 6: 11.6.12

Day 6 I'm thankful for the right to vote! 

Thumbs up to that! 

On an ungrateful note..what the heck is this- I voted sticker from the 90's?! 
Everyone has these spiffy seal looking ones and I get this. Boo. 

Day 6: 11.7.12

Day 4 I'm thankful for great surprises!

I was on the phone with my mom today when I got a text from my brother asking if him and his wife AB could stay at my place for the night next week. Even though it's only for a few hours - I'm excited! I need to think of a solid breakfast place. Yay!

Also, I'm thankful for delicious pizza from Graces Place (and my company!)  And Modern Family. Hilarious. 

Day 7: 11.7.12

Day 8 I'm thankful for my work friends! 

Today I'm thankful for my work friends! I was reminded of that today when we all went out to eat. We don't have the same lunch breaks because we have to stagger them to accommodate our schedules, but sometimes  certain circumstances (birthdays!) allow us to move our schedules around and do lunch. As we piled into the minivan and began the chatter and laughter, I in the back of course, :) just looked ahead and thought how thankful I am to have 4 ladies that I enjoy working with and spending time with! 

I also should mentioned that I had another grilled chicken sandwich favorite that I'm thankful for - The Tarragon Chicken Sandwich at Annie Moore's. Delicious! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 1 - Today I'm thankful for...

Day 1: 11.1.12

For some reason, I just feel like blogging. It's been so long since I've really put my thoughts into words and just typed. First off, I feel like I should clarify the three images added below. Well, I'm part of a family Fantasy Football team and on ESPN you have to have a hyperlink to add a picture for your team so I used my blog as a placeholder for these images. The dog and hulk picture is from, if you're not too sensitive, "there's no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners" type of person (which I agree with)- I think you'll find this site hilarious. Anyways. the picture is because I crushed my brother, Scott in fantasy and his team is the Incredible Holcs! (See Scott on the Hulk's body below) - You'll need to know my last name for this to make much sense.The other is a picture of my dad, Timbo Slice. Like Kimbo-Slice. Yeah buddy rollin' like a big shot. Trunk hit hard like TIMBO SLICE. We're ridiculous, but my team is awesome in fantasy. If you ask my family brother he will credit it to the fact I was late to the draft and had Arian Foster automatically recruited to my team. Whatevs. My boy Foster is the man!

The real inspiration for operation start blogging again is because I saw my facebook friends putting "day one thankful for" posts for November and I was like I want to do this, but I use too many words and just can't do it in a status so here I am...blogging. Let's not hold our breath though because we know i'll start and not finish but I'm going to make an effort! I think I might post every couple of days to my facebook for my die hard fans to read, just kidding. I may have met my quota yesterday on the facebook posting since it was Halloween and I wanted to show (off) my Pinterest inspired stolen costume. Oh you're dying to see it? Fine. Here it is!

Price is Right contestant!
I'm aware my numbers are backwards - I had to use my camera on my that happened. Look it was either that or a phone picture in my bathroom mirror, deal with it! 

Day 1 I'm thankful for my parents and coworkers - This is a sob story, no joke! 

I'm not going to single out any certain coworkers because they are all truly great, but today 3 in particular stood out and I was thankful to have them a Kleenex distance away!

 I prepared for this - I really did. The number showed up and it was my dealership service department. I had prepared for an almost painless $220 expense for brake pads so you can imagine my dismay when I got an estimate that was double, no triple, no quadruple of what I had imagined. I cleared my throat and was thankful that it was almost time to a flood of tears made it's way to my bottom lids - I tried my hardest to swallow it down and just breathe. It's days like this you realize that you may not be cut out for your lifestyle or your career choice. I work for a nonprofit, I'm not sure I would trade it if I could but it does seem like life would be easier if I joined the for profit world. Unfortunately just like when I thought going to college = money, I have a feeling that's how going to for profit would be too. And I know I'm not alone - I don't need another political ad to tell me that. In this case misery doesn't love company and quite frankly I'm not miserable. I'm just one or two shopping trips behind where I thought I'd be. Did anyone else imagine their closet being filled with designer brands? Nope, I still haven't graduated to that. But it's okay. I'm thankful for what I have and in this instance I'm thankful for my coworkers.

Today I'm thankful for my coworkers. For the rides, jokes, and "I was in your shoes" experiences that really brought light to my situation. We all have our struggles and sometimes when you're so busy worrying about making ends meet or what you don't have - you forget what you do have. Which is a good segue to my parents.

I am thankful that I have my parents. Yes, that they are here with me physically but I'm also thankful for their love, acceptance and compassion. They not only did an excellent job raising my siblings and I, but they continue to be there for us in our journey with adulthood.It's not an easy transition and I'm just glad I'm not alone. Even though I accuse them of hovering the truth is their reassurance means the world to me on days like this...

I think that's the beauty of life is no matter how bad the situation- there is always something to be thankful for.

I'm hoping for some funny thankful's and not so serious ones the entire month, but I'm a pretty serious person so we shall see.

Day 2: 11.2.12

Day 2 I'm thankful for my connections to MaDee

If you've ever read any of my blog posts or have known me for even just a few days, you know MaDee. You may have never had the privilege to meet MaDee, but you know her. In case you don't, MaDee passed away nearly three years ago from a long, hard battle with cancer. MaDee was my best friend of nearly 20 years and no doubt losing her has been the single hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. But with that said, I'm thankful for my connections to her.

I have found hanging out with those closest to her therapeutic. And on Day 2 I had the chance to hang out with 2 very special people. 

I should say 2.5 special people since it started with a text message from Brittany, MaDee's cousin. Brittany "Lil Cuz" is dear to my heart and it seemed like once she got a little older she started hanging out with MaDee more and more. I use to see her as MaDee's little cousin, but now she's a real friend to me. She has some of the same qualities that I loved in MaDee and some of her mannerisms are spot on but she's her own person and I love her. 

Brittany texted me to meet up with her parents who live in the same town as me. I don't meet them out nearly as much as I should but when I do make it out I always have the best time. MaDee's Aunt and Uncle are two of the funniest, sweetest people I know. When MaDee introduced me to them it was Aunt Sara and Uncle Charlie so I still refer to them as that. I loved how MaDee did that, people that she loved so much she wanted you to love so much which is why I can't tell you half of her families real names because I've always called them by their family name, like Nan, Pop, etc. (Just kidding, I know their real names) 

It was easy to identify on Day 2 what I'm thankful for and it's my connections to MaDee. Each of her family members were near to her heart, I can't single out any of them that I don't absolutely love seeing when I do. 
Whether it be her sister, brother-in-law, nephew, mom, dad, our friends, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, always warms my heart, all my connections to MaDee. 

Another connection that warms my heart is MaDee's legacy, The MaDee Project. I think a shameless plug at this point is appropriate. 

I'm thankful for ALL my connections to MaDee.

Day 3: 11.3.12

Day 3 I'm thankful for Dr. Watson's

I mentioned that I'd try to do funny ones or at least not so serious ones and I feel like after Day 1 and Day 2's post that this is in order. I should probably mentioned that this is not an order of importance. I'm really just reflecting on my entire day and writing about what pops out the most. I did have a fun conversation with my sister/bffl Ashley but she will be written about another day, trust me! So will all of the predictable ones that I would have put on my turkey feathers if I was in Elementary School!

Okay, so Dr. Watson's. What the heck is a Dr. Watson? It's a delicious sandwich at Macado's. Some town's don't have a Macado's- what a sad world. Maybe I should be thankful that we have three Macado's in   a 15 mile radius of where I live and if we say within 60 miles there's about 6 or so. Not the point. The point is I freakin' love Dr. Watson. And on Day 3 I'm thankful for them.

A Dr. Watson is a grilled chicken breast on a bagel with lettuce, Canadian bacon, tomato, and mayo.
But if you've ever seen me order it I'm very "When Harry Met Sally" as I say no mayo and regular bacon instead of Canadian. One time I said American bacon instead of Canadian and I was like what the hell is that, Amanda? What is American bacon?! Then because I'm awkward, I was like you know regular bacon, strips of it, breakfast like. Thank goodness that wasn't last night among  new company.

I also am thankful for the delicious pickle spear that goes with it.

I suppose if I wanted to get serious... I'm thankful for food and access to it, the ability to afford it, the luxury of choosing where it comes from and what it's going to be (like a delish Dr. Watson)

Now I'm hungry and I've been known to order back to back Dr. Watson's.

So, that concludes Week 1 of wrap it up I'm thankful for my coworkers, parents, my connections to MaDee, and Dr. Watson's. Yep, that sounds about right.

I'm excited for Week 2 of Thankfulness! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012